Thursday, August 7, 2008

Worthy of Love

I have overcome so much in my life despite the set backs that the enemy has planted as road blocks along the way. I have faced depression, fear, anxiety, death of loved ones, teen pregnancy, sexual abuse and the list goes on....But God is bigger and He rescued me, challenged me, and encouraged me. He is my Rock on which I stand! I struggled for years with my sexual abuse before I realized that I had a God that loved me and longed to see me set free and victorious in HIM! I have learned most of my lessons the hard way, but through those lessons I learned...I learned that I am worthy of God's love and grace. I have learned to trust again and that when everyone else fails me, God won't! His love is like no love I have ever known. His presence is like nothing I have ever's warm and inviting. You feel His peace and this comfort that is unlike anything I have ever experienced. When my world crashes down around me and I'm lost in myself, there He is....waiting with open arms. And it's so nice just to fall into those big, loving arms....where my Heavenly Father wraps me up and holds me close and whispers in my ear. He is my beloved and I am His. What a heart swells at just the thought of eternity with Him. I long for stand in His presence forever! I just close my eyes and picture Him waiting...patiently. The picture of perfection He is. He's like a cool breeze off of the ocean or a valley filled with daisies. He's Alpha and Omega...the Beginning and the END! He is like no other. Filled with love and grace to give to all that want it. My Lord is almighty and majestic....He is all knowing and all loving...He is God.

I could go on for days....but the truth is this is just a hint of how I feel. I can't even put into words what my heart wants to express. But one day I'll stand at His feet and give Him the worship that He so deserves. Until then I'll wait and worship Him here and share His wonderful news....the gift of salvation:) If you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you would like to, please let me know....I would be glad to walk you through the plan of salvation.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why so afraid?

First let me start with the fact that this is my very first blog EVER! I'm hesitant, but I figure what the heck, right! That being said, I sit here pondering many things...."fear" being the one I think on the most. The word it's self means little to some and the world to others. I know first hand what fear can do to someone. I live in a constant state of fear....fear of the unknown, fear of the known, fear of life, fear of death. I know that I have nothing to fear, but fear itself....but isn't that enough.
I sit and think, if things continue with our economy, how will we survive? If things continue with our ungodly nation, how will we survive? But like most, instead of taking my fears to my Father, I sit....and think....and fear! Why? Why do I fear, who do I fear, what do I fear? EVERYTHING! I fear everything. I can't sleep, I can't enjoy my family, I can't breath. I let my imagination run with the thoughts and the "what ifs". The fear is so gripping that I'm afraid to leave my home. I'm a prisoner. I'm a captive to my mind. What shall I do? Whom shall I trust? No one other than Jesus....Lord, here I am. At the end of myself. Asking you to take this fear that grips my being. And like always He answers.....with love and peace. A peace like no other. A love like no other.

Thank You Lord that I do not have a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. My life is in Your hands. You are my Father, you will keep me and never forsake me. I praise YOU for taking the fear that once crippled me. I bless You Father God for delivering me! For You are good! And worthy of my praise!